10 Best Blend Offs featuring Blendtec vs Vitamix vs Ninja vs Nutribullet

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10 Best Blender Blend Offs

Blenders are tested and reviewed and compared against one another for textures, tastes, user controls, and overall blending abilities.

Ice Cream – Juicing – Smoothies – Soups – Flours

Below you’ll find 10 blend off videos and articles featuring the Nutribullet vs Ninja blenders and the Vitamix vs Blendtec blenders.

We thank you for watching our videos and reading this article and we hope that you get something out of this.

#10) Best blender for juicing

Vitamix vs Blendtec blender models are featured in the video

You know how in a regular blender the apple slices get stuck at the bottom and don’t blend. Well that doesn’t happen in a Vitamix or Blendtec blender. Liquefy entire pieces of fruit and large vegetable pieces, even leafy greens, seeds, and nuts fast and efficiently. Don’t spend precious time trying to blend a smoothie with a regular blender when you can do it in seconds with a high performance blender.

ALL Blendtec and Vitamix blender models can out perform any regular blender for liquefying and juicing large whole fruits and vegetables but we wanted to test the Blendtec and Vitamix blender models against one another to see which of these high power blender models is the best blender for juicing.

Juicing in a blender is WAY different than juicing in a juicer.Ā In a blender you don’t waste any pulp and you retain all the fiber from the whole foods you add to the blend, furthermore, you can add more stuff to the juice recipe but if you’re not careful you’ll end up with a smoothie šŸ™‚ LOL. The consistencies you get from the blender will obviously be determined by the amount of liquids and ice and ingredients you use. With a Blendtec or Vitamix blender you can get almost the same consistency as a juice extractor, it’s hard to imagine, but if you add carrots and apples into the Vitamix or Blendtec and blend it with some water, and you compare that to putting carrots and apples down a juice extractor, Ā both will be easily drinkable with very little pulp because of the strong blade design of the high performance blenders.

Video # 10 – Best blender for Juicing

Watch the blenders operate and suck down the Dr. Oz Green Juice Recipe.

Blendtec vs Vitamix blender models main differences are with the interface controls and blending jars. The best blending jar for for the Blendtec is the Blendtec Wildside Jar.Ā This jar is fantastic for placing big slices of apples and hard fruits and vegetables into the wide large capacity jar. It has big blades that go right through everything and it just takes seconds for you to liquefy everything into a juice. Highly recommend using the Wildside Jar.

The best blending performance from Vitamix is their Vitamix Low Profile Container. It’s bigger than their tall container, and wide at the base and similar to the Blendtec Wildside Jar, you can place large pieces of hard fruits and vegetables into the container and it doesn’t have trouble liquefying it quickly.

Another big difference is the controls, the Blendtec design is set up to automatically blend your Dr. Oz Green Juice by having an automatic juicing button which quickly changes speeds on it’s own and stops by itself and we noticed that the 9 times out of 10 the ingredients won’t get stuck as long as you don’t overload the jar.

The Vitamix is set up for more for manual operation with the speed dial and tamper, although there are automatic setting options, at least half the time you will need to press ingredients into the blades with the tamper. Many people like the tamper and we do too, it’s nice to have the stick when you need it, just saying that a lot of the times with the Blendtec you don’t need it.Ā 

As you know Vitamix and Blendtec offer different blender models, here are the 5 blender models we used in our video comparison review on juicing. (Click on a link to open a new window and see the current price on amazon). These links lead to affiliate links which help us create more content by allowing us to get a small percentage of the sale.

  1. Vitamix Personal Blender S SeriesĀ 
  2. Vitamix C 500 C Series Blender
  3. Vitamix G Series Legacy Series Blender
  4. Blendtec Designer 725 Blender Series Blender
  5. Blendtec Classic 575 Blender Series Blender

#9) Blending carrots

Featuring Nutribullet vs Ninja blender models vs Blendtec vs Vitamix

Nice blend off we did here between some of the top blender brands in the United States of America. We put the capabilities of the Nutribullet vs Vitamix vs Blendtec vs Ninja blender models against one another to test for best consistencies for carrot juice.

To get rid of all the pulp from the carrots you’ll need a blender with a great design. A good smoothie blender can also make a great juicing blender. The powerful blades of high performance blenders pull the ingredients down into the blades shredding Ā pulp into an easily drinkable juice. Popular green juice recipes meant for juicers can also be made in blenders but you get to keep more fiber, which is extremely beneficial to your body.

Best blender for juicing carrots

The blender models we tested and reviewed for the carrot juicing blend off are below. If you click on one of them a new window will open and you can see the current price for this blender on amazon.

  1. Blendtec Designer 725 Blender Series Blender
  2. Vitamix G Series 750 Legacy Series Blender
  3. Ninja Mega Blender
  4. Nutribullet Rx Blender

Two major differences that are immediately noticed when juicing carrots in these blenders are the different blade designs and interface controls each blender model comes with. Blendtec uses a fat dull blade which pulls ingredients into it’s blades and uses a digital interface with automatic buttons where you can push the button once the ingredients are loaded and let it run a cycle.

The Vitamix and Nutribullet both have a similar blade design with four sharp blades which are designed to push ingredients into the sides of their container which forces them to fall back down onto the blades. Although the blade design is very similar between the Vitamix and Nutribullet, the interface controls are not. In fact, the Nutribullet Rx has no control options, once everything is placed into the container you place it back on it’s blender base and there is only one speed, fast. Vitamix has many options to control you blend, from low to high speeds, a tamper stick in case ingredients get stuck, and Vitamix blender models also come with automatic settings.

The Ninja blender has a unique blade design with 3 sets of sharp blades up which stretch up and down it’s container, somewhat dangerous because they are very sharp and you have to remove the blades from the container when the blend is over.

Vitamix vs Nutribullet vs Blendtec vs Ninja blenders

Similarities and differences for juicing carrots

There are similar characteristics among the blender models. Between Vitamix and Blendtec the container designs are similar, although the blade designs are different both are extremely capable of blending the carrots. The interface controls are designed differently but both offer low and high speeds, and offer automatic settings. Blendtec has a slightly more powerful motor than Vitamix and tends to over power the ingredients where the Vitamix slices through ingredients.

The Nutribullet has a similar blade design to the Vitamix but is completely different than the Blendtec and Ninja. Also the Nutribullet is in a category of it’s own with it’s design and is nothing like the other blender models, there are no controls or settings. You unscrew the lid, add your ingredients with the harder tougher ingredients like ice, carrots, or apples going in first, softer ones go in last. Then you screw the lid on and push down on the container and it turns on. The motor on the Nutribullet is powerful and does a great job juicing the carrots, very comparable to the Vitamix and Blendtec.

The Ninja blender did the poorest job juicing the carrots, very pulpy. The other blenders performed better. The Ninja claims to have a 1500 watt motor but I doubt that it gets there. The blade design seems to just spin everything around where as the other blender models push or pull the ingredients into or away from the blades creating a better consistency. The Ninja Mega blender does have speed options but it doesn’t make a difference because of the poor blade design.

#8) Best smoothie blender for smoothie recipes

Blendtec vs Vitamix – The ultimate smoothie blender

Who makes the best smoothie blender between Blendtec vs Vitamix brands? Both Blendtec and Vitamix blenders are high performance smoothie blenders which you can find at smoothie shops. We tested 3 of the Vitamix blender line’s popular blender models and 2 of the Blendtec blender line’s popular blender models. The results are interesting, in the video you get to really see the blenders work those ingredients and you can see how they operate. Some blender models are better for making smoothies than other blender models, but which blender model is the right blender model for you? Watch the video and find out.

Best smoothie blender

The large amount of ingredients you are able to liquefy down into an easily drinkable smoothie is a big plus. Regular blenders would have trouble blending down flax seeds, cabbage, and carrots with out leaving any pulp; in fact, a regular blender usually gets stuck and doesn’t blend the ingredients at all, but with high performance blenders such as Vitamix or Blendtec blender models you can liquefy everything in the jar down, including seeds, nuts, and hard fruits and the end result is a very drinkable smoothie.

Blendtec vs Vitamix – Two major factors

Big Decision on which of these high power blenders is the best smoothie blender. Both offer amazing blending features and have amazing designs but which blender should you go with? The two major differences we discovered to be important are the blending containers you use and the controls on the interface.

Blendtec vs Vitamix containers and blade designs

We mentioned it before with the juicing video but the Blendtec Wildside Jar and the Vitamix Low Profile Container are better to use than the standard Blendtec and Vitamix containers because the newer containers have a wider base with a 4 inch blade and can hold more ingredients and seem to cut through ingredients easier than the older standard containers which have a narrower base and a 3 inch blade.

Vitamix tall container vs Vitamix Low Profile container

We encountered a problem with the Vitamix tall container when we packed the ingredients all the way up to the lid. We had a lot of difficultly pushing down the ingredients with the Vitamix tamper stick, it proved tough to do and the ingredients seemed to be somewhat stuck but eventually we’re able to do it.

A Vitamix tamper comes with all Vitamix containers and allows you to push ingredients into the blades while the blender is running, something Blendtec Jars don’t offer. A big difference between the Vitamix containers is that the Vitamix Low Pro Container didn’t have any trouble with large amounts of ingredients, we packed it in just the same, to the lid, and the Low Pro container easily handled the ingredients and blended them right up. Much better.

Blendtec jars

The Blendtec Wildside Jar is a beast and can pull down ingredients faster and quicker than the Blendtec Standard jar, the Blendtec Jars don’t come with a tamper stick for your smoothie recipes so if the ingredients get stuck you have to stop the blender and shake the jar. With Blendtec Jars if you add the ingredients in from soft to hard you will never have a problem, and even if you don’t you will rarely have a problem. The blades create a vortex with all the nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and hard fruits and pull everything into the blade, giving you a nice smooth drinkable smoothie.

Blendtec vs Vitamix smoothie making controls

The interface displays on each Vitamix and Blendtec blender model are different, this is something to consider when looking at one of these blenders. Blendtec is all digital where Vitamix is not. Blendtec blenders all mainly work with automatic preset buttons that run your blend for you. The Blendtec displays offer low and high manual speeds but the main focus is the automatic buttons where Vitamix is different.

Vitamix also offers automatic presets on their newer Blendtec models such as the A3500 and also the G750 which we reviewed in the video above, but the main focus on Vitamix blender models, which goes back to the 1970s, is the speed dial which allows you to turn on the blender on a low speed, than manually crank it up, and most Vitamix owners are used to having the tamper stick close by and usually enjoy pushing down the ingredients.

Those are the two main factors when deciding which blender brand to go with, or more like, which blender model to go with, cause they offer a lot of options. Another minor mention is the motor design where Blendtec has a slight advantage with a slightly more powerful motor which is known to overpower any ingredient you place into the jar, but both Vitamix motors and Blendtec motors are very powerful and come with a strong warranty.

#7) Best blender for green smoothie recipes

Vitamix vs Blendtec vs Ninja vs Nutribullet

As we grow older we realize how important green smoothies and green juices are for us. The loads of nutrients that a good green smoothie recipe has can give you long lasting energy for your entire day and help you achieve better skin and mental clarity and focus. By Blending vs Juicing the recipe you will get 100% of the fiber and nutrients vs juicing where most of it gets extracted and thrown away. Best blender for juicing down the ingredients into a fiber rich easily drinkable green smoothie recipe can be done in one of the high performance blenders listed below, but which blender is the best blender for green juice recipes?

Best Juice Blender Models Tested:

  1. Blendtec Designer 725 Blender Series Blender
  2. Vitamix G Series 750 Legacy Series Blender
  3. Ninja Mega Blender
  4. Nutribullet Rx Blender

Best juice blender for green juice recipes

The main difference we saw for juicing the Dr. Oz New Green Juice Recipe is within the blade design and holding capacity of the container. The larger the container or jar the bigger the whole food pieces you are able to fit. The blades we’re all capable of breaking down the recipe and liquefying it, but the textures did come out different. The Ninja had the most pulpy consistency which was a little harder to swallow, the blade design on the Ninja Mega Blender are much different than the Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet, which all did a somewhat equal job in breaking down the juice. Read the short review on this blend off to learn more about the differences between blender models.

#6) Best blender for Ice Cream Recipes

Blendtec vs Vitamix vs Ninja vs Nutribullet

Healthier than Store bought, blender ice cream has no preservatives or additives and you can make a few servings of homemade ice cream in under a minute. Using a high performance blender you are able to blend up ice cream recipes. Because of the blade design and powerful motors high power blenders offer, they are able to handle heavy loads of ingredients, such as would be needed for ice cream. Regular blenders don’t have the design or power to make a creamy rich ice cream, but a high power blender does. Blendtec and vitamix blenders are known for there abilities to make ice creams, but in this comparison we put the Ninja and Nutribullet blenders up to the test.

Ice Cream Blender Models Tested:

  • Blendtec Designer 725 Blender Series Blender
  • Vitamix G Series 750 Legacy Series Blender
  • Ninja Mega Blender
  • Nutribullet Rx Blender

Best blender for ice cream

Ice Cream Recipes are thick and packed with ice and ingredients with very little liquid so it’s tough for blenders to get everything to go through the blades. The design of the Blendtec is different than the other blender models because it pulls ingredients down into the blades so everything in the jar gets sucked down and the taste of the creamy texture from the Blendtec is just like ice cream from the store, no pulp or chunks. Sometimes you might get an air-pocket but you can just shake that out.

The Vitamix and Nutribullet push the ingredients into the sides of the container where the ingredients fall back down onto the blades, this is also a great blade design because the ingredients are forced to go through the blades making for smooth creamy textures also, but the Nutribullet doesn’t have manual blending speeds so it’s not as versatile as the Vitamix and blendtec for speed control which is important for making ice cream. You need slower speeds in order not to liquefy the ice cream down to a smoothie.

The Ninja Mega Blender doesn’t have to much control over the blend giving you only low, medium, and High for speed options. The Blade design is also very different and produced a more bland tasting ice cream with icy chunks left behind

#5) Best blender for grinding grains

Comparing the Ninja Mega Blender with the Nutribullet Rx against the Vitamix G Series 750 and the Blendtec Designer 725

If you like baking cookies then you’ll love making your own flour. Homemade flour made from Rice, Wheat, and Oats is healthier than store bought flour because there are no preservatives and additives. Fresh Homemade flour can be milled up in your high performance blenders if you have one. Blendtec and Vitamix blenders are compared with the high performance Nutribullet and Ninja blender models to see which blender can give us the softest fluffiest flour consistency from rice.

Best blender for grind grains

The softest and fluffiest consistency came from the Vitamix Legacy G Series blender model with the Low Profile Container. The Low Pro container has a big wide base and a 4 inch blade that is also great for juicing and smoothies and is a very convenient light weight Container for you Vitamix blender, it’s also much easier to tamper with then the tall Vitamix container.

The Blendtec blender had a very nice fine soft fluffy consistency also. Blendtec uses the same blade and same jar for everything and the big dull blades in the Wildside Blendtec Jar do a great job at blending and grinding down seeds into flours.

The Nutribullet makes a great grain mill and it’s blade design which is similar to the Blendtec mills down the grains to a perfect consistency. The versatile simple bullet blenders are a great buy, and work for grinding grains. We recommend the high power 1700 Rx Nutribullet only because the 900 watt and 600 watt Nutribullet models will over heat on heavier loads and big recipes.

The Ninja Blender was not able to grind down the seeds into a nice fine flour, it’s blade design holds it back from being in the same category of blender as the Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet models. The consistency from the Ninja Mega Blender was very grainy like Cereal.

#4) Best blender food processor for dry chopping

Vitamix vs Blendtec – The Dry Chop Show Down

Comparing the Blendtec Designer 725 against the Vitamix G Series 750 against the Blendtec Classic Series 575 against the Vitamix Standard Turbo Blend against the Vitamix Personal S Series blender models.

The pulse feature, which all Blend tech and Vita mix blenders have, comes in handy when you’re chopping. Slice and dice up vegetables into recipes by chopping them into little pieces. This can technically replace your food processor but what we aim to see in this blend off is how well these blenders can chop. Dry Chopping can be used as a base for pastas, salsas, and you can chop ingredients into blends such as soups and juices and smoothies and ice creams to make the recipe have chunks.

Best blender for dry chopping

One main difference is the blade design and the other difference is the responsive vs less responsive controls among different blender models. Dry Chopping is pretty simple, you add in your vegetables and you use the pulse feature which each Blendtec and Vitamix blender model comes with. The Blendtec Classic Series blender model seemed to have the least responsive pulsing feature from the blender models where the Vitamix G Series and Blendtec Designer allow for much more control for chopping. Both the Designer Blend tech and Vita mix Legacy G Series allows you to pick which speed you wish to chop at. The feature is very responsive. The big flaw with the Vitamix Personal blender is there 40oz container, we couldn’t even get the ingredients to drop all the way down into the blades. The personal blender was unable to chop the whole pieces of vegetables.

#3) Best commercial blenders for ice cream recipes

Vitamix vs Blendtec

Blendtec ice cream vs Vitamix Ice Cream, the ultimate blender battle between high performance blenders. We tested 3 of the Vitamix top blenders against 2 of the Blendtec top blenders. Homemade ice cream recipes are fresh and healthy, much better than store bought and both of these high power blenders are able to make ice cream, but which blender can make it better? Yes, this is a competition. Blendtec vs Vita mix blade design, motor, and controls all play a role in making ice cream. Blend tech provides automatic features on it’s digital display and newer Vitamix blenders also have an automatic ice cream setting. Let’s see how these blenders compare.

Best blender for Ice Cream

The bigger containers that Blendtec and Vitamix offer make it easier to make larger loads at once and the Vitamix Low Profile Container is definitely easier to tamper with but all 5 blender models we’re able to give us an ice cream. The best texture and consistency came from the Blendtec blenders, both Blendtec models are set up to pull down the ingredients into the blades for you with their unique square jar design and dull blades. Blendtec’s simply automatic features make it easier to make ice cream.

Vitamix blenders we’re able to make the ice cream but with a little more effort, we needed to use the tamper even though there was an ice cream setting on the Vitamix C and Vitamix Legacy G Series blender models. We still needed the tamper.

#2) Best blender for smoothie recipes

Blendtec vs Vitamix vs Ninja vs Nutribullet

We tested 4 of the most popular blenders on the market to see which one can make the best smoothie? A good smoothie blender will liquefy the nuts, seeds, and leafy greens into the smoothie without leaving any pulp or chunkiness in the blend. The Nutribullet Rx mid tier smoothie blender has 1700 Watts with a sharp stainless steel blade design which works similar to the Vitamix. The popular Ninja Mega Blender has a 1500 Watt motor with a unique blade style which you can see work the ingredients in the video. Both Blendtec and Vitamix blenders have a stainless steel blade design which pulverizes the smoothie ingredient. Find out which of these blenders is the best smoothie blender.

Best smoothie blender for smoothie recipes

The different blending jars and containers work the ingredients differently. Each blender model has enough horse power to push the blades and liquefy heavy loads of ingredients at once but the blade design causes for a slightly different consistency. Vitamix and Nutribullet both force the ingredients into the sides of the container where they are forced back down onto the blades getting all the seeds and nuts. Blendtec pulls everything down into the blades, both the standard jar and wildside jar work the same but the wildside jar has a bigger capacity. The Ninja Blender is the unique in it’s design and leaves a lot more pulp and chunkiness in it’s blend.

#1) Best blender for soup

Blendtec vs Vitamix vs Ninja vs Nutribullet

Fresh homemade soup in a few minutes. High Performance blenders can cook soup, did you know that? They use the friction caused by the blades to heat and cook recipes. High performance blenders are different than regular blenders, they can do more.

We tested and compared the 4 popular high performance blenders that all claim that they can make soup, but can they really? These blenders all have unique blade designs to help them liquefy ingredients. They also all are equipped with 2 horse power or more motors to make the blades spin really really really fast to cause enough friction to cook a soup. Find out more by watching the video.

Best blender for soup

After testing all 4 blenders we discovered that the Blendtec, Vitamix, and Nutribullet blenders all have equal abilities to heat the soup, the Ninja Mega Blender unfortunately doesn’t have the proper blade design the cause friction to heat up a soup. There was slight differences in textures, the Vitamix had the nicest most liquefied soup consistency, the taste was great from all the blenders, maybe it’s just a good recipe. The Ninja Mega blender soup was cold but still tasted ok.

The blenders heated up the soup from 70 degrees to around 160 degrees in just 6 minutes of blending, that’s impressive.

If you have any comments or questions about any of these blend offs or about how the Blendtec or Vitamix or Ninja or Nutribullet work, please leave your comments at the bottom of this post. We appreciate your feed back and would love to hear from you.


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