Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Smoothies

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Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Smoothies

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Blendtec Total Blender Review

Blendtec Total Blender is currently offered at $279 with the WildSide Jar included

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The Top Selling Blendtec blender of all time is now only $279.  Three years ago this blender was sold at Costco for $379. Blendtec also offers a payment plan option with this purchase so you are able to pay as low as $25/month.

Blendtec Total Blender Vs Blendtec Blender Models

New Models vs Blendtec Refurbished

Thinking about buying a new blender, you might wanna read this. New Blendtec blenders start at $419 for Blendtec’s Classic Series 575 and go up from there, the Designer Series costs even more. New Blendtec Designer series blenders start a $499 with the Blendtec Designer 625 and go up from there, the Blendtec Designer 675 costs $579 and the Blendtec Designer 725 costs $679. Making a decision on a New Blendtec blender vs a refurbished Blendtec blender comes down to how much money do you really want to spend on a blender.

  • The Blendtec Total Blender was Blendtec’s number ONE selling blender for many years but since the new designer series came out it has been reduced in price and replaced. You can save $150 and and still get the same warranty and functionality as a NEW Blendtec Blender. The Blendtec Total Blender offers a remarkable digital display which covers Smoothies, Juicing, Ice Cream, Soup, and Batters. It has manual speed options and a pulse feature. Although newer Blendtec Blenders have been upgraded to have a newer more user-friendly digital display, the blenders still work the same way and produce the same results.
  • Blendtec sells a variety of blenders refurbished. The Blendtec Total Blender is the lowest priced Blendtec Blender but you can also find the Blendtec 575 Refurbished, the Blendtec 625 Refurbished, and the Blendtec 725 refurbished.

Hey, my name is Frank Musa, I produced the Blend Offs, I’m writing this review to let you guys know about how the amazing Blendtec Total Blender is still your best deal and I think is the Best Blender for Smoothies. The smoothie button works perfect for all your smoothie recipes. It’s automatic and works the same way as newer Blendtec Blender Models. If you have comments or questions about the Blendtec Total Blender please leave them below and I will answer them.  Thanks!

Why do I think The Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Smoothies

I LOVE SMOOTHIES, and Now I don’t have to chew them!  A good smoothie can encompass an amazing day.  An abundance of nutrients from LIVE ENZYMES can be quickly liquefied and absorbed into your body. The main thing I love most about the Blendtec Total Blender is the blender smoothie button, it runs for 40 seconds and stops on it’s own. Never had any problem blending up a good smoothie. I’m not trying to say the Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Smoothies but it is equal and cost less than any other Blendtec or Vitamix Blender on the market. That’s all I’m saying. Enjoy the review.

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Blendtec Total Blender Automatic Features

The Blendtec Total Blender Classic interface is composed of 6 automatic presets which slow down, speed up, and stop on their own. Not all of these presets are on the newer Blendtec models, making the Total Blender a bargain

  • The Automatic presets include, from left to right, Ice Cream, Milk Shake, Hot Soup, Sauce/Dips, Whole Juice, and Smoothie.  Each preset is automatic and stops by itself.
  • The Automatic buttons work great. You can simply push anyone of the  buttons and walk away. 
  • It’s fun to sit and watch as it changes speeds on it’s own, and you are able to visually see the timer count down to zero on the Blendtec Digital Interface.
  • The automatic features we’re researched extensively by Blendtec to offer the best results for specific blends and to make it easier on the consumer to make recipes by simply pushing a button.
  • The Blendtec Total Blender Classic Series Blender Model has two manual speeds and a pulse button on it’s digital interface to give you more control.

How Long do the Automatic Features Run?

Each of the buttons is set to run for a certain period of time and change speeds specifically for the blend which it reads off on it’s button. The Ice Cream button runs for 45 seconds, the Milkshake button runs for 35 seconds, the Soup Button runs for 90 seconds, the Dips button runs for 23 seconds, the whole juice button runs for 50 seconds, and the smoothie button runs for 40 seconds.

  • The strongest buttons to push are the Soup button and the whole juice button, they are equipped to go higher speeds to better liquefy your blends.


Blendtec Total Blender Ice Cream Recipes

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The Blendtec Ice Cream button takes the guess work away from making the Ice Cream recipe. The Ice Cream button runs for 35 seconds, starts at a slow speed which then pulsates itself up to a higher speed, and then stops.

You’ll notice a swirl shape form at the top when the Ice Cream is thick and ready.

Blender Ice Creams are creamy and rich and allow you to sneak in leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds and fresh whole foods. Kids won’t even know there are green vegetables in there Ice Cream, you can easily hide the taste with sweentners.  Great healthy way to eat dessert.

Using the Blendtec Total Blender Ice Cream Button

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  • The blender increases it’s speed several times during the ice cream cycle to give you a creamy texture.
  • When the Ice Cream is finished you’ll see a swirl-shape form at the top of the jar.
  • You are also able to stop the Total Blender at anytime by pushing any of the buttons on the digital interface.
  • A perk to the Blendtec blender is that it can make the ice cream on it’s own without your help, you don’t need tamper or stick, the blades pull down the ingredients turn them into ice cream.

Blendtec Total Blender Juicing

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  • Juicers extract the pulp and you lose around 70% of the nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, and they are hard to clean.
  • The Live Enymes in Whole Foods and Green Vegetables will give you long lasting energy, better skin, and a long range of health benefits.
  • If you press the Whole Juice Button on the Blendtec Total Blender Classic, it will run an automatic juicing cycle which should liquefy the ingredients in the jar in 50 seconds.
  • If you want a finer consistency for your juice then push the button again and let it run another cycle, or you can manually run it on a high speed for as many seconds as you’d like too.
  • If you want to get rid of all the pulp completely then get a pulp bag and pour the juice through the bag to completely separate the pulp from the liquid. Click here to purchase a Pulp Bag.

Using the Blendtec Total Blender Juicing button

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The most popular of the automatic features and most used is the Blendtec Whole Juice button.  It has a 50 second run time and reaches the higher speeds that Blendtec offers allowing it to liquefy whole foods, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables into a nice and smooth easily drinkable juice.

  • The Whole Juice button starts on a slow speed, then quickly speeds up several  timers during it’s blend cycle, it reaches the higher speeds which the Total blender has in order to properly liquefy your ingredients, when it’s done it stops on it’s own.
  • We discovered that for juicing the Blendtec wildside jar is the best blender jar for juicing.
  • It was able to out perform the Vitamix, Ninja, and Nutribullet blenders in the blender Juicing competitions we did.
  • Luckily the Blendtec Total Blender comes equipped with the wildside jar.
  • Being able to fit large amounts of produce into the wildside jar and make juices without having to chop the ingredients up into little pieces is a big time saver.

Blendtec Total Blender Soup Recipes

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  • The hottest I’ve ever personally made a soup was 176 degrees.  I started with room temperature water, added in my ingredients, and pushed it 4 times for a total run time of 6 minutes.
  • The great thing about the Blendtec Total Blender is they provide a soup button which you can press and then walk away from, it is set to run for 90 seconds on the highest speed, running at around 28,000 RPMs.
  • After it stops you have the option to run the cycle again to cook the soup more, or it might be ready to serve.
  • Soups are easy to make and there are a lot of blender soup recipes for special diets.
  • For RAW SOUPS you’ll want to stop the blender after 30 to 45 seconds, and for chunky soups you’ll want to use the pulse button to chop in ingredients after you liquefy the vegetables.

Using the Blendtec Total Blender Soup Button

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  • You can heat up a soup from 60 degrees to 160 degrees in 6 minutes and we have the footage to prove it.  Watch our Blendoffs videos and you can visually see the Blendtec heat up the soup recipe.  The Soup button is the most powerful of all the automatic features that come on the Blendtec Total blender.
  • It goes fast the entire 90 second blend cycle, and shuts off when it’s done.  You can comfortably walk away from the blender while it’s spinning and come back when it’s finished, you are able to heat up soup recipes to around 175 to 180 degrees in the Blendtec Total Blender Classic.

Blendtec Total Blender Grain Mill

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  • In order to successfully grind grains in your Blendtec make sure the jar is completely dry.
  • Any water or moisture can damage the consistency of the grains.
  • Feel free to experiment, you won’t damage the blender blades because they are already dull.
  • Blendtec advertises that you can use the same blade same jar for Hot, Dry, Wet, and Cold blending purposes.

Using the Blendtec Manual Speeds for Flour

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  • For Flour you’ll want the manual speed to run on speed 9 or 10, for coffee beans you’ll want to let the manual speeds run on speed 3 or 4.
  • The length of time you let the blender run also affects the consistency of your flour.
  • Manual speeds are great for grinding coffee beans, finishing off an ice cream recipe or smoothie, or to have more control.
  • You can hold the button down and it will quickly change speeds for you. You can visually see what speed you are at on the digital interface display.
  • The Blendtec Total Blender doesn’t enable you to start on a high speed immediately, you always have to start on speed 1 and push your way up to speed 10. Everytime you push the up or down button, the speed will increase or decrease by 1 speed.
  • The one downfall of the manual speeds is that you can’t quickly jump from low to high, high to low speeds like on the newer Classic-Series and Designer Series Blendtec models.

Blendtec Total Blender Mixer

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  • Blendtec has a patent on their Blendtec Jars because of how they we’re specially designed to create a vortex with all the ingredients inside the jar pulling everything into the blades enabling all ingredients to get broken down evenly.
  • The Blendtec Jar works great for mixing and relives your arm from having to work hard.
  • Press the Sauces/Dips button for most of your mixing recipes or hold down the pulse key for a light mix.

Using the Blendtec Total Blender Sauces and Dips button

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  •  It’s a quick short cycle and it quickly pulses up and down the lower speeds on the Blendtec-Total-Blender.
  • Instead of you having to work those manual speeds yourself, you can just push this button and it will work those speeds for you.  Amazing!
  • Overall the Blendtec Total Blender batters dressings dips Sauces button is a definite bonus to have on your blender.  The quick 23 second run time is able to quickly change speeds and mix down your batters, doughs, sauces, dips, and dressings.
  • This automatic feature was removed on some of the newer Blendtec models so you should feel lucky to have it on the Blendtec Total Blender.

Blendtec Total Blender Smoothies

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  • A big plus with the Blendtec Total Blender and all Blendtec blender models is that you can liquefy Almonds, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Tree Nuts, Leafy Green Vegetables and Whole Foods into an easily drinkable smoothie in just a few seconds, no chunky pieces get left behind.
  • The Total-Blender comes with a “Smoothie Button” which is designed to make perfect smoothies.
  • Blendtec has a great track record for there smoothies and you can ask anyone that has one and they will tell you, they are powerful smoothie blenders and the proof for this is they are used by a majority of you local smoothie shops.

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  • It doesn’t reach as high of a speed as the Whole Juice button because smoothies are suppose to be slightly thicker than juice recipes.
  • In our Blendoffs, we did a test with a Whole Food Smoothie Recipe that had Nuts, Seeds, leafy greens, and a lot of fruits and the Blendtec was able to easily go through the ingredients and give us resort smoothie quality from the blend.
  • Blendtec blenders are found at Starbuck, Jamba Juice, Whole Foods, Juice it Up, Coffee Bean, and Robeks’.
  • The Blendtec Total Blender is a high quality commercial-blender which you can have at home.
  • Consistent quality, perfect blends, and easy for kids and adults to make smoothies with.

Blendtec Total Blender Food Processor

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  • Press the Pulse button quickly for a powerful short burst.
  • You can do both Wet chopping and Dry chopping in your Blender jar.
  • Though you are able to chop ingredients using the Blendtec Total Blender Classic, the consistency will not be as fine as that of a food processor because of the thick Blendtec-Dull-Blades.
  • Chopping ingredients for a RAW SALAD or toppings for some pasta can be done easily using a Blendtec blender but for large quantities of chopping you might want to have a food processor handy.
  • A nice feature about the Blendtec jar is it’s easy cleaning abilities over that of the sharp blades of a food processor.
  • You can comfortably touch and reach under the dull Blendtec blades and not cut your hands which makes cleaning it very quick and easy compared to the sharp blades of a food processor.

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Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Cleaning

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  • The Jar and Blade design for the Blendtec Jars make them very easy to reach into and clean under and around the blades.  You can fit your entire hand the the Wild Side jar comfortably, touch the blades and clean the blades off with a sponge with no fear of cutting your hand.
  • Blendtec blenders we’re the easiest blender to clean from all the Vitamix, Nutribullet, and Ninja Blender Models.

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Blendtec Total Blender Jar Selections

The Blendtec jars are made from Co-ployester Eastman-Tritman BPA Free material and are dish washer safe.  Blendtec advertises that you can comfortably put their jars in the dishwasher and not worry about it cracking.  These BPA Free Jars are much better than breakable glass jars and are extremely durable.

  • When bought individually the Blendtec Jars come with a 3 year warranty and are automatically registered for you when purchased directly from the manufacture, the jar that comes with your blender base is under the full 7 year warranty which Blendtec offers during checkout.
  • Blendtec’s patented square jar design can be scene at many of your local juice or coffee shops such as coffee bean, Jamba Juice, Robek’s, Juice it up, or starbucks.
  •  If the jar is square than they’re using a Blendtec BPA FREE Jar with a Blendtec machine. Blendtec offers 4 different jars to fit your blender.

Blendtec Standard Jar

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Since the Wildside jar came out, the Blendtec standard jar is now used mostly as an extra jar for dry goods, although for certain recipes the standard jar does have an advantage, such as ice creams.

Blendtec Wild Side Jar

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It can hold up to 3 large servings and has become very popular among the juice shops.

It has a thick stainless steel 4 inch dull blade which is larger than the standard 3 inch blade on Blendtec’s previous jar, and is able to do Hot, Dry, Wet, and Cold blending with the same jar/blade.

This has become Blendtec’s primary jar sold to consumers and commercial juice shops.

It has become a standard for Blendtec and is now available for Vitamix blenders, sold as a Rebel Jar. It’s BPA FREE, dishwasher safe and 9 inches tall, so can comfortably fit under the cabinets when attached to the blender.

Blendtec, blendtech, jar, jars, container, containers, pitcher, pitchers, wildside, wildside jar, fourside, 64oz, 64, standard, twister, twister jar, mini twister, blendtech, blentec, blendtec blender, blender, blenders, best blender, best blender jar, best, easy, blending, blend, blends, blendtec wildside, blendtec fourside, blendtec twister, total blender, classic, designer, blendtec designer jar, blendtec classic jar, vitamix, vita mix, vita-mix, blendtec vs vitamix, vitamix vs blendtec, vs, vs.,Blendtec Total Blender Twister Jar

The Twister Jar is a small jar which can hold up to 16 ounces.  This jar is perfect for thick blends such as nut butters, bread, hummus, and Baby Food. It has a specially designed twister lid which you turn counter-clockwise as the blender is running which pushes thick ingredients away from the walls of the jar and back into the blades.  This will save you the time of stopping the machine and then getting a spatula to scrap the ingredients into the blades and then start the machine again.

  • Mini Twister Jar – The Mini Twister Jar is obviously just a smaller version of the full sized twister jar. It can hold up to 12 ounces and is great for coffee beans, dry spices, nut butters, baby food and thicker blends.  It has the same style twister lid as the regular sized twister jar and works the same way.

Blendtec Blades

Blendtec Jar, Blendtec Jars, jar, jars, container, containers, pitcher, pitchers, blade, blades, design, best, BPA Free, blendtec, blendtech, best blender, commercial blender, plastic, wildside jar, fourside jar, blendtec blender, high end blenders, high power blender, blendtec blender jars,The Patented Blendtec dull blade design is made from cold-forged stainless steel. When combined with the patented Blendtec square jar design, the blade is able to create a vortex inside the jar so the ingredients all get sucked into the blades and everything in the jar can easily get liquefied, pureed, or cooked, or turned into a fine textured flour.

A nice thing about the blade on Blendtec jars is that’s it’s welded onto the BPA Free jar, so you can not remove the blade.

One Blade, One Jar for all your blending needs.

There are 2 jars you can buy for your Blendtec blender, the standard 64 ounce jar which has a 3 inch blade and a 75 ounce holding capacity, or the bigger Wild-side Jar which has a 4 inch blade and a 90 ounce holding capacity.

The twister jar and mini twister jar come with a 3 inch blade design just like the Four-side Jar and are primarily used for doing thicker recipes such as nut butters and dips.

Blendtec Lid

Blendtec, blendtech, lid, lids, blendtec lid,The lid on the Blendtec jars are square and seal on snug, it is very easy to remove the lid and put back it back on.  It is air tight and if you don’t overfill the jar you can comfortably walk away from the machine while it’s running and not worry about the lid flying off.

There are 4 vents on the smaller plastic piece to allow ventilation for your more longer blends like Hot Soups. This will let steam out and allow for air flow.

Blendtec Motor (HP)

The motor on the Blendtec Total Blender Classic series blender is a whopping 3 peak horse power, 13 amp, 1560 watt beast.  The powerful motor can push the blades from as low as 4080 RPMs to 28,000 RPMs and can over-power and liquify any ingredient you put into the blender jar including skins, seeds, leafy greens, tree nuts, avocado pits, popcorn kernels, large beets, pineapple cores, and much more.

There is an automatic shut off mechanism inside the motor where, if for some reason the Blendtec blades get stuck and can’t spin, the motor will automatically shut off before it try’s to destroy itself.

The Blendtec blenders are considered the most powerful blenders you can buy!  Check out WillitBlend for more on this.

Blendtec Size and Weight

The Blendtec Total blender has a small light weight design making it convenient for the blender to fit under your kitchen cabinets, it doesn’t take up very much counter space. The Blendtec Total Blender Classic and the Blendtec 560 and Blendtec 575 blenders are equal in size and weight with a 7.28 pound base.

The dimensions for the unit with the jar attached is 15.5 inches tall, 8 inches deep, and 7 inches wide. The height of your average sized cabinets are 18 inches above your counter top which makes Blendtec blenders able to easily fit under the cabinets; furthermore, the Blendtec Total Blender is mobile, you can easily stick it in a suitcase when you travel or take it into your friends house.  It’s easy to carry around for a road trip or a family visit.

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Blendtec Noise Factor 
Blendtec blenders are definitely not the quietest machines on the market, in fact, they are a bit loud because of their extremely powerful motor design, but the good part is that you only need to blend in short bursts because it liquefies everything so quickly you don’t need to blend for long periods of time.

You are also able to walk away from the machine when you push the button so you don’t have to stand next to the machine and listen to it run.

One thing you can do to muffle the sound is get a mouse pad and put it underneath the blender base to reduce the noise levels somewhat, but overall Blendtec blenders are substantially louder than regular blenders.

Blendtec Total Blender Warranty and Durability

  • box opening, box, what's in the box, boxes, box openings, blendtec, blendtech, blendtec blender, blender, blenders, classic, designer, blendtec designer, blendtec classic,We recommend purchasing your blender directly from the manufacturer to get the full 7 year warranty. Plus, Blendtec’s extensive warranty covers the blender top to bottom for 7 years, which includes the blade, motor, and jar.
  • The Blendtec blenders are made to last a long period of time and on average last 15 to 20 years.  The Durability on Blendtec blenders is remarkable and you can ask other Blendtec owners and they will tell you that these are very tough blenders.
  • Also, when you purchase directly from Blendtec they will register your blender for you automatically.
  • What’s in the Box – When your blender arrives you will receive a Cook Book with over 300 hundred blender recipes, a DVD which shows you how to use the machine, an owners manual, and a 8 year warranty which covers your blender from top to bottom.
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee – Blendtec offers a FREE 30 DAY Trail period for you Blendtec blender and if you are unhappy with it you can return it for a full refund minus the shipping cost.  
  • Customer Service – If you have any questions or concerns you can call 1 800 Blendtec, their offices are open M-F, 8am to 5pm, Central Time and are located in Orem, Utah. They have excellent customer service.  In order to get FREE SHIPPING and BONUS REWARDS use the links we set for you on this website and the free shipping will automatically be included.

What’s Included if you purchase your Blendtec Now

  • FREE SHIPPING – To get Free Shipping click on the picture of the Blender you want, (RED, WHITE, BLACK), the FREE Shipping code is attached to the image, it will automatically pop up during check out as Free Ground Shipping. To purchase with the Free Shipping click here. 
  • Payment Plan – Also during the check out click on the Payment Plan Option and you will only have to pay 34% of the total cost of the blender.  Which is roughly 1/3 of the total price. After that you will have 2 more payments which will be deducted from your Credit or Debt Card.
  • Color Options: The Blendtec Total Blender Classic comes in your choice of White, black, or Red Color.  Look at your kitchen and figure out what blender would blend in best with your cabinets and kitchen counter. Click on the image link below and select the color you like. 


Blendtec Total Blender Extras

  • Extra Spatula – Having an extra spatula can be very helpful even though you don’t need it most of the time.  The Blendtec spatula quickly scraps and scoops blended ingredients out from the jar and blades easily.  It is made by Blendtec for Blendtec blender Jars so it is a nice addition to your Blendtec purchase. To order a Blendtec Spatula click here. 
  • Dry Goods Container – Blendtec advertises 1 Blade 1 Jar for Hot, Dry, Wet, and Cold blending.  The patented square jar dull blade design pulls down the dry ingredients into a vortex so everything hits the blade and circles around the jar getting sucked back into the blade repeatedly.  You don’t need an extra jar for grinding dry grains such as wheat, rice, spices, nuts, and seeds but having an extra container is a smart move because containers getting scratched up after a few grinds and won’t look as good on your counter.  The best container to purchase for Dry Grains is the Blendtec Four Side Jar.
  • Twister Jar –  Specially designed for nut butters, dips, baby food, and thicker blends.  The Blendtec Twister Jar is a great jar to have.  It will save you a great deal of trouble and time when doing thick blends.  Without the twister jar you will need a spatula and have to stop the blender and use the spatula to scrap the ingredients into the blades and then restart the blender, and repeating this process until you get a fine consistency can take a few minutes and be a pain in the butt.  Click here to read more about the Blendtec Twister Jar.
  • Recipe Book Includes over 300 blended recipes on Ice Creams, Hot Soups, Smoothies, Juices, Dressings, Sauces, Dips, Batters, sorbets and more.  This is a very nice recipe book which is very easy to follow, and is great for any high powered blender.  If you lost your book or want to order a Blendtec Recipe book, click here. 
  • The Blendtec Total Blender Classic comes in 3 colors, red, white, and black.  You have the option to select the color of your choice during check out.  We recommend that you get the best color to match your kitchen.  The price is not affected by the color you choose so be sure to select the best one for you.

Why should I get a Blendtec Total Blender?

kelley whildenRegular blenders break after a year and only come with a 6 month or 1 year warranty, and in many cases are hard to clean cause of their sharp blades. The Blendtec Total Blender is made to last 15 to 20 years and to assure their quality, Blendtec backs their purchase of their Blendtec Total Blender by giving you a Full 7 year warranty.

These are not ordinary blenders, with a Blendtec Total Blender you can cook hot soups, make frozen Ice Creams, mix batters and bread doughs, grind grains, chop vegetables, and make resort restaurant quality smoothies and drinks.  There is just 1 Blade 1 Jar for everything, no pieces come apart and it is very easy to clean.

It’s small size makes it very convenient to fit under the cabinets and it sits right on your counter and doesn’t get in the way.  The industrial strength 3 peak hp, 1560 Watt Motor can over-power and liquefy nuts, seeds, ice, greens, and hard frozen fruits and vegetables with no problems at all.

It has an easy to use digital interface set with automatic features which we will go over in this article which allows you to simply push a button and walk away from the machine.  The Blendtec Total Blender is capable of speeding up, slowing down, and stopping on it’s own.

The Blendtec Total blender was Blendtec’s number 1 selling blender for years until they came out with their new Blendtec Classic Series line. I have a Blendtec Total Blender at home and it works fantastic, never had any problems with it.

Although you’re buying it refurbished you get the same warranty as a new model and you get the recipe book, dvd, and owners manual with it.

If you are looking to save some money on a high-powered-blender and not drop down to a mid-tier Ninja or a Bullet, then the Blendtec Total Blender is a fantastic option.

 Blendtec Total Blender Sale 

Learn about Blendtec’s most advanced blender the Blendtec Designer 725



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