Smoothies – Blendtec vs Vitamix Smoothies – Best Blender for Smoothies

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Smoothies – Blendtec vs Vitamix Smoothies – Best Blender for Smoothies

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Smoothies are no joke, the amount of fiber you get from a good smoothie can help your body immensely. You might not know how good smoothies actually are for you but let me tell you, they are really really really good for you. Just imagine eating 4 bananas, some kale, and some blueberries in a few minutes. Depending on the ingredients you add into your smoothie, your body is able to feel very long lasting energy, just like a positive flow of inertia for you mind and body all together for hours and hours.

Try eating 4 bananas and see how you feel. You’ll probably feel pretty good. Then try drinking 4 bananas, you’ll probably feel even better faster because your body is able to absorb and digest liquefied ingredients faster than raw ingredients. If you have a slow digestive track or have trouble processing foods, smoothies would be a great way to digest large amounts of nutrition quickly and give your body a heaping dose of fiber, or if you are exercising or an athletic and need lots of energy for you sports activity or gym time, smoothies would be the way to go. OR if you are working at a cubical or just want to feel better and have more energy everyday, YES, you know it, SMOOTHIES BABY, SMOOTHIES. I’m not saying smoothies are the key to success but they are a step in the right direction. Haha

Choosing a Good Smoothie Blender

From my experience if it is not easy to do I won’t do it. So in order to be motivated and stay motivated to make smoothies you’ll want a high performance blender, and the best two companies which make the most reliable high power blenders are Blendtec vs Vitamix. Blendtec blenders and Vitamix blenders are the most reliable and consistent smoothie blenders on the market, they make making smoothies fun and easy, which in turn makes you make smoothies more often.

The consistencies you get from each one of these blenders is always consistent. Both older and newer Blendtec blender models and Vitamix blender models are able to give you great smoothies. From my experience with these blenders, it doesn’t really matter if you get one that’s refurbished, older, or newer, they all work the same. Newer Blendtec vs Vitamix blender models have more features and automatic settings which are nice to have, the automatic features work real nice specially if you blend a lot. You can push the smoothie button on the Blendtec blenders and the blender is capable of making the smoothie all by itself very effectively and quickly, it simply stops when it’s done. The Vitamix also has these automatic features, Vitamix offers both digital controls on their newer blender models and old style speed dial controls on their newer blender models.

Best Deals are the Vitamix Refurbished Deals and Blendtec Refurbished Deals

Blendtec vs Vitamix Best Controls and Blending Features

Blendtec Smoothies & Automatic Features

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The Blendtec Motor can change speeds efficiently and quickly at the push of a button and their presets run for a certain length of time depending on what button you push. Each of their automatic buttons are configured to run for a specific time depending on the blend. Smoothies run forĀ  a 40 second duration where the Hot Soup button runs for 90 seconds, and obviously the buttons each change speeds at different times and go different speeds during the cycle.

The Blendtec buttons are not limited to just smoothies, you can also push a button for salsa, dips, and batters, there is a button for hot soup, juicing, smoothies, and ice cream. Each button is made differently and we have found that the Blendtec automatic buttons are very effective.

Vitamix Smoothies & Automatic Features

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The Vitamix blender has predetermined their automatic features according to each Vitamix blender model so each class of Vitamix blenders will have different sets of automatic settings that will change speeds at different times and run for different periods of time. For example, the Legacy series 750 Vitamix has a soup button which runs for 5:30 minutes, where the Vitamix C Series 500, now discontinued, has a soup button that runs for 6:30 minutes. This is because newer Vitamix blender models have different motors that might work more effectively.

Vitamix blender automatic features include, soup, ice cream, smoothie, puree, and self cleaning. Newer more advanced Vitamix blender models have digital controls with push button and slide touch technology similar to the Blendtec, but the speed dial controls are still in use on their legacy blender models and their older blender models. Their new Ascent Series is my favorite and has a nice sleek look in your kitchen and offers digital and speed dial controls.

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Blendtec vs Vitamix Jars vs Containers

Blendtec and Vitamix both offer a variety of Jars and Containers to meet all your blending needs. Vitamix has 6 Containers which they offer with their two best being the Vitamix Low Profile Container and the Vitamix Standard Container. You can purchase these containers separately or as a combo package with the blender on your initial purchase. Blendtec offers 4 Jars, The Blendtec Wildside jar and the Blendtec Standard Jar which can fit on any Blendtec blender model.

The Blendtec Wildside Jar has a 4 inch blade and a big wide base, it’s easy to blend large loads of large whole foods and large ingredients without any trouble. The big 4 inch blade is easy to clean and get under, and it’s easy to scoop thicker recipes out from the bottom of the jar, and for smoothies, it’s great for cleaning. The Vitamix Low Profile Container is similar for it’s 4 inch blade and slightly thicker blade consistency where it makes it safer for cleaning and reaching in and around the blade. There is more room at the bottom of the Low Profile Container which enables it to blend large loads of whole foods quickly and effectively.

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Best Blender for Smoothies – Our Results

Overall the 4 blender models we’re all able to liquefy the smoothies without any trouble, but we noticed that there are differences between the color produced from the standard vs newer upgraded containers. I’m not sure if Blendtec and Vitamix meant to do this but the color of the blend produced by the Blendtec Wildside Jar and the Blendtec, blentec, blendtech, blend tech, designer, classic, 725, 575, total blender, smoothies, smoothie, blenders, best blenders, blender smoothie, smoothie blender, smoothie recipe, smoothie, smoothies, recipe, recipes, blender for smoothies, best, healthy, best, vs, vs, Vitamix Low Profile Container was slightly more brown in color where the Blendtec Standard Jar and the Vitamix Standard Container produced a slightly more green color; furthermore, the taste was better from the Vitamix and Blendtec Standard jars and containers. HOW CRAZY IS THAT! Although that is very minor detail, the way your smoothies taste is important, cause that’s what you will be drinking everyday.

Personally I love the bigger jars that Vitamix and Blendtec offer. Both the Blendtec Wildside Jar and the Vitamix Low Profile Container work amazingly for all your blends. Smoothies, Juicing, Ice Cream, Soups, Flours, you can make anything in the Wildside and Low Pro Container and they are easy to clean. The bigger jars and containers we’re able to make the smoothies much quicker and more effectively because of their bigger blade and jar size. You might like that convenience.

Vitamix Legacy C 500

vitamix, vita mix, smoothie, smoothies, vitamix smoothie Now an older blender model in the Vitamix blender line which can now only be found at Amazon online outlets, the Vitamix C Class is a great blender but is a little louder than the newer Legacy Series and Ascent blender models because it has the older Vitamix 2hp motor. It still allows you to fit any of the Vitamix containers onto the blender and ultimately the smoothies will come out the same as they do on the newer Vitamix blenders depending on which Vitamix Container you blend with. The warranty on the C Class is 7 years and 3 years reconditioned off Amazon. Still a great bargin, and you can also get them with the automatic smoothie setting like the Vitamix C 500 we used in the video.

Vitamix Legacy Series 750

vitamix smoothie, vitamix, vita mix, smoothie, smoothies, vitamix, The new upgrade G Series Vitamix Legacy Class is the first of it’s kind. It is the first of the newer Vitamix blender models to come with the quieter 2.2hp motor which is more powerful and quieter than the older 2hp motor. It sturdy square base design looks solid in your kitchen and it works great and comes as a digital model or a model with the speed dial. All the options that the G Series blenders come with will allow for optimal blending and give you the options to get them with automatic features. The newer Vitamix Ascent blenders use the same motor as the G Series Legacy line so there is no difference in quiet blending capabilities, the difference between the Vitamix Ascent blender line and the Vitamix Legacy blender line is the stylish interface the Ascent Vitamix line has. Any of the Vitamix Containers will fit on any of the Legacy and Ascent blenders which will determine the consistency of your blends.

Blendtec Designer 725

Blendtec, designer, blendtec designer, blendtech, blentec, blendtec designer, The Designer Blendtec line is blendtec’s most advanced blender line and it’s sleek unique look in your kitchen. The Blendtec designer blender models offer automatic settings which quickly change speeds for you and stop on their own and they have a digital touch slider for manual blending control. Blendtec blenders are all digital, they come with a timer that reads off the time left in the blend and their primarily focused on using the Automatic buttons which work very effectively. The Designer blender is much louder than the Vitamix Legacy and Ascent blenders so take that into consideration but the blending jars work very effectively for making your blends. Hot Dry Wet and Cold.

Blendtec Classic 575

blendtec smoothie, blendtec, smoothie, smoothies, blentec, blendtech, blend techThe Blendtec Classic models are a little more affordable and depending on the jar you use, Wildside or Standard jar, you will get the same consistency as the Designer gives you. The Blendtec classic models also come with the same automatic features as the designer blenders and are equipped with manual push buttons to control your blends manually. The best deal is the Total Blender Classic, it is cheap, comes with a warranty, and does what you need.

Vitamix Personal Blender S Class

Vitamix, vita mix, smoothie, personal blender, personal blenders, s, s blender, vitamix s, vitamix smoothieVitamix S Series is the Vitamix Personal Blender line and I just thought that I’d let you know that the Vitamix Personal Blender S50 was not comparable with the other high power blender models. The Vitamix Personal blender has a lot more trouble going through the ingredients because of it’s small container, and it only hasĀ  a 1hp motor which can overheat. It is not a high power blender with a big container. It’s a personal blender, with a small motor, and you’ll need to chop the ingredients into small pieces for your blends because the container is also small. I don’t see any advantages to the Vitamix Personal Blenders over the other Vitamix high power blender models. I you do, please leave a comment and let me know.

In Conclusion,

Both the Blendtec Designer and Blendtec Classic blender lines are great for smoothies, the Blendtec Wildside Jar and Standard jar can go through and liquefy the seeds, nuts, and big whole foods you put into the jar. A perk to the Blendtec blenders are the dull blade design which is great for cleaning, and the very effective digital automatic buttons. The Vitamix Legacy blenders and Ascent Series blenders also are great for smoothies, and any of the Vitamix Container options you decide to go with will be able to liquefy your smoothies, but if you have to choose, go with the Vitamix Low Profile Container, all around it’s the best Vitamix Container.

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Blendtec vs Vitamix Sale Prices

Leave your comments below! Thanks for reading!!!!!! HAPPY BLENDING!!!!!!!!!!


6 Responses

  1. Cameron says:

    Great Article, thank you very much for the information! Loved the video too!

  2. Matt Stein says:

    Can you make Ice Cream in these blenders?

  3. Marianne Simcic says:

    Thanks for great explaination about blenders…just wish to add that low profile container(vitamix)
    and wildside jar(blendtec) work better than the standard containers…

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