Tag: kelley whilden

Find your perfect blender

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How to make Soup using a Vitamix (Vitamix vs Blendtec)

Vitamix Soup vs Blendtec Soup How to cook hot soups in your blender Both the high powered Vitamix and Blendtec blenders have been known to make some amazing recipes, but you might not of known that you can make hot soup recipes. How to make soup in a Vitamix A simple Vitamix soup recipe will…
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Best Blender for Juicing | Blendtec vs Vitamix Blender Comparison

Best Blender for Juicing Best Blender for Juicing!!!!! When you think of Juicing, most of the time you think of juicer, right? Pushing down vegetables through the tube, getting a little bit of juice from each ingredient and a big mess on the other end. Well a high power blender can break down nutrients so…
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Making Flour | Best Blender to Make Flour Blendtec Vs Vitamix Blenders

Making Flour Grinding Flour and Grains in your high performance Blendtec or Vitamix blender can help you save space in your kitchen by avoiding the cost of a grain mill. You are able to turn a bag of rice into a bag of flour by using a Blendtec blender or Vitamix blender. The advantages to…
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