Tag: recipe

Find your perfect blender

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Smoothies – Blendtec vs Vitamix Smoothies – Best Blender for Smoothies

Smoothies Smoothies are no joke, the amount of fiber you get from a good smoothie can help your body immensely. You might not know how good smoothies actually are for you but let me tell you, they are really really really good for you. Just imagine eating 4 bananas, some kale, and some blueberries in…
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Harley Pasternak | Compare Harley Pasternak blender with Vitamix

Harley Pasternak is Big News for High Power Blenders! The Harley Pasternak Power Blender, although costing roughly around $100, beat the Blendtec and Vitamix blenders for making ice cream! We we’re astonished that a blender which costs 3 times less can produce a better consistency and have a smoother richer texture than the two most…
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How to make Soup using a Vitamix (Vitamix vs Blendtec)

Vitamix Soup vs Blendtec Soup How to cook hot soups in your blender Both the high powered Vitamix and Blendtec blenders have been known to make some amazing recipes, but you might not of known that you can make hot soup recipes. How to make soup in a Vitamix A simple Vitamix soup recipe will…
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Best Blender Blends Get Blended with Vitamix and Blendtec Blenders

Common Blends from Vita mix and Blendtec blenders Discover the potential of your blender. Some of the most common blends are so easy to make and you just don’t know about them. With a blender you can do hot blends, cold blends, dry blends, and wet blends. Four common blends. Because of the amazing high…
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Blendtec vs Vitamix vs Nutribullet vs Ninja – The Review

Which Blender Model is the The Best Blender With so many blenders on the market it’s tough to choose. Obviously if you’re gonna pay over $200 for a blender you want it to be good. That’s why we compared the top 4 popular high performance Blendtec vs Vitamix vs Nutribullet vs Ninja blenders sold at…
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Nutribullet Pro Blender Information Warranty-Costs-Design

Nutribullet Pro Blender Nutribullet Pro Blender Cost The Nutribullet Pro Blender has 3 main – blender models – which vary in cost depending on the size of their motor. The 600 Watt Nutribullet Pro can be found for $59 from Amazon, the 900 watt Nutribullet Pro costs closer to$99, and the Nutribullet Rx 1700 Watt higher power blender can cost up to…
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Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Smoothies

Blendtec Total Blender Review Blendtec Total Blender is currently offered at $279 with the WildSide Jar included For Free Shipping on your order Click here. Payment Plan available during check out! The Top Selling Blendtec blender of all time is now only $279.  Three years ago this blender was sold at Costco for $379. Blendtec…
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Best Blender Ice Cream Winner – Blendtec Blender Beats Vitamix

Best Blender Ice Cream Winner Blendtec Blendtec was a clear winner in the Ice Cream Blend Off versus the Vitamix, Nutribullet, and Ninja Blenders… BUT How? How did the Blendtec Ice Cream come out better than the Ice Cream from a Vitamix Blender – Nutribullet Blender and Ninja blender? We have come to the conclusion…
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Blendtec Blender Review Best Blender For Smoothies & Juices

Blendtech Blenders and 8 reasons to get one Cheapest and Best High End Blenders Blendtech blenders come in different blender models, blender shapes, and blender sizes, but each blender model which Blendtech offers produces the same results. So ask yourself, why would I pay $679 for the Blendtec Designer 725, when I can do the same…
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Blendtec Juicing Blends with different Blendtec Blender Models

Can a good blender replace your juicer? Well not really, in fact a juicer and a blender are totally different machines and work different ways so they are not really comparable, but with one of the high end blenders from Blendtec you can break down the ingredients so well that the consistency can be compared…
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