Author: Blender Guy

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vitamix commercial blender, quiet one, vitamix, vita mix, vitamix blender, commercial, blender, best blender, vitamix blenders, vitamix

Vitamix Commercial Blender | The Quiet One by Vitamix | Best Blender

Vitamix Commercial Blender The Vitamix Quiet One, a well known name among the blender community, is the most powerful commercial blender by Vitamix. If you’ve ever gone to a starbucks, Jamba juice, or any juice shop or restaurant, you’ll most likely see a Vitamix Quiet One Commercial blender. It’s performance is outstanding, it’s pre programmable…
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commercial blender, juice shop blender, smoothie blender, blender for smoothies, blendtec, blendtec blender,

Commercial blender | Blendtec Professional 800 | Best restaurant blender

It’s quiet design allows for stealth like performance, it’s powerful motor allows you to blend perfect smoothies, ACAI bowls, ice creams, soups, juices, dips, batters, and more. It’s easy to clean square jar makes it quick to make ready for the next blend. It’s digital touch button display makes blending fun and easy for anyone.…
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Oster Versa Blender vs Vitamix and other blender models

Oster Versa blender The multi-functional Oster Versa Blender has a strong 1400 watt peak horsepower motor and a simple display with 3 pre programmed settings for smoothie, soups, and batters with a pulse button for chopping. The push button display is user friendly and has a speed dial for hand controlled blending. Coming in at…
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Blendtec vs Vitamix – general unbiased review

Blendtec vs Vitamix blender review Comparing blender models Hi there, this is an unbiased review between the Vitamix vs Blendtec blenders, but also covers opinions on Vitamix vs Vitamix blender models and compares Blendtec blender models against one another. In this review we compare the Vitamix 750 G Series vs the Vitamix 5200 blender vs…
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10 recipes + reviews (Nutribullet vs Ninja vs Blendtec vs Vitamix)

Comparing the best blender models The bases for this article comes from real tests performed by real people which compare the Blendtec, Vitamix, Nutribullet, and Ninja blender models in a 10 part series called The Blend Offs. The discoveries made through those blender comparisons are shared below and we declared winners and losers for each…
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How to make Soup using a Vitamix (Vitamix vs Blendtec)

Vitamix Soup vs Blendtec Soup How to cook hot soups in your blender Both the high powered Vitamix and Blendtec blenders have been known to make some amazing recipes, but you might not of known that you can make hot soup recipes. How to make soup in a Vitamix A simple Vitamix soup recipe will…
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Blendtec Classic Blenders Total Blender vs Blend tec 575 vs Blendtec 570

Blendtec Classic Blenders  Is the Blendtec Classic Refurbished Total Blender a better bargin than the newer Blendtec Classic 570 and 575 models? Originally there was only 1 blender in the Blendtec Classic Series called “The Blendtec Total Blender Classic” which is now only offered as a certified refurbished model. The Blendtec Total Blender Classic was…
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Blendtec vs Vitamix | Best Smoothie Blender | Vitamix Sale | Blendtec Sale

Blendtec Vs Vitamix Blender Pricing & Review Blendtec vs Vitamix blender companies both develop high end blenders for the home and commercial juice shops. These are no generic, department store blenders, but powerful machines, which can significantly improve your health and lifestyle. Hello, my name is Frank Musa, I produced the Blend Offs and wrote…
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Blendtec Total Blender is the Best Blender for Smoothies

Blendtec Total Blender Review Blendtec Total Blender is currently offered at $279 with the WildSide Jar included For Free Shipping on your order Click here. Payment Plan available during check out! The Top Selling Blendtec blender of all time is now only $279.  Three years ago this blender was sold at Costco for $379. Blendtec…
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Best Blender for Juicing | Blendtec vs Vitamix Blender Comparison

Best Blender for Juicing Best Blender for Juicing!!!!! When you think of Juicing, most of the time you think of juicer, right? Pushing down vegetables through the tube, getting a little bit of juice from each ingredient and a big mess on the other end. Well a high power blender can break down nutrients so…
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